Tag Archives: winter

Snowy Silhouettes

Snowy Silhouettes

Fourth grade is making these snowy nighttime scenes using value and blending with paint. Before we started in on the real deal, we practiced first with color pencils then with paint. Sharing our steps here!

I’ll share the students’ work when we are finished!

Here’s some of the student work. They were still so creative with the limited use of only silhouettes.

Third Grader Snow Angels

Third Grader Snow Angels

This is an awesome Winter lesson from Deep Space Sparkle to do with your art students. Cut paper, painting, self-portraiture, and more! The kids loved it and what made it even better is that it snowed right in the middle of our project so they got to experience going out and making snow angels! That’s a rare day where I live. 
The first day of this project we made ourselves out of cut paper. The second day we painted the snow angel outlines and filled them in before gluing ourselves back into them. Then we added a little sparkle for some snow magic!! ❄️❄️❄️


Boards Galore…


Nope. Just four. Man, bulletin boards take forever and mine aren’t even elaborate!
This one has some precious kinder snowmen on it with a few snowman ice cream cones as well. This board is in my classroom which is why it’s so tiny.


This board is showcasing some awesome one point perspective drawings by 5th grade. I was so impressed with some of their themes and their execution of said theme.


This board is another snowman board and this one is in the entry of our school – or as our database manager once called it, the loading dock. Haha!


And one more board of scoops…


Owl Moon Paintings


Before the winter break started I read Owl Moon to my second graders. It was a great opportunity to integrate and discuss describing words and phrases and how we should apply that to our art as well.
So we drew out our cute little snowy owls on paper and then painted the background and the branch and the eyes. When they came back the next time, I had come across a “pinteresting” pin about adding glue to shaving cream and painting with it. So we decided to try that little experiment since we wanted our owls to look fluffy. They turned out so cute! Here are a few pics of them. 🙂




I didn’t get to do the shaving cream paint with all of the classes so some of them finished with oil pastels. I love them all!




Triple scoop please!

Triple scoop please!

These are the cutest snowmen! I found them over at Exploring Art (Abby Schukei) and the kids are loving them. It has been a really fun way to learn about creating form by using value.
Here is mine (which I did in paint but then decided that I liked the idea of using oil pastels better.)

This is an accessories-free snowman so they can really focus on just the shading and form.


Some student examples!



In progress…


This is my board right now and we have lots of new projects happening but they are all “in progress” so I promise I will post about each one when we are finished! 🙂


Winter and Holiday Bulletin Boards


A few bulletin boards I’ve been working on…



This one still has a couple of spots waiting to be filled! 🙂


Here some more reindeer with their applications attached. Love these.


Snowmen at Play

Snowmen at Play

This is a fun project I came across on Artsonia by Blue Mountain Elementary students. I love the different perspective and that each picture can still be individualized.
I’ve shared pictures of the step by step process so far. We will share more when they are complete!






Art of Ed Online Winter Art Conference!


Just received my swag bag (box) from Jessica at Art of Ed for being one of the first 1000 to sign up for the online conference that’s happening this weekend, January 25th.
Love all the samples they sent! I especially love the apron from Art to Remember (always need a new apron!) and the “Keep calm and teach art” button.

Who else is signed up?





Aaaand BOOM, I’m back from a two(+) week hiatus. It’s been Christmas-ing all over the place and then we rang in the new year and I blinked my eyes and it was time to go back to work. Let the COUNTDOWN TO SUMMER begin!!!

But first, I’ll show you what I’ve been up to these past few weeks…

I decorated my house for Christmas! (Did you think I was going to show you art stuff?)

We attended a gingerbread house decorating party – SO much fun!


I went on a Christmas tour of homes and saw a piece of artwork that a former student did in my class! (Validation feels so good!)IMG_6110

Went on a behind the scenes tour of Johnson and Wales University and had an amazing meal made for me and my DKG sisters.IMG_6121


Had breakfast with my hubby and tiny coffee cups!IMG_6147

Gave our wish lists to Santa (at Tractor Supply!?)

Katy asked for soft chewy treats and a new coat!IMG_6153

Organized some of my paint!IMG_6156

Made snowman pancakes with bacon accessories! IMG_6159

Went to Lowe’s. (They didn’t mean to dress alike but the smaller one was thrilled.)IMG_6215

Took naps.IMG_6229

Looked at pictures of snow – because we sure didn’t get any here.IMG_6253

And last, but not least, celebrated the new year with the bffs!

IMG_6235Life is good and they are calling for freezing rain and snow this week so the last picture I will share is this:


I hope you all had a fantastic break and are ready for the next 5 months.  ❤