Tag Archives: fourth grade

Snowy Silhouettes

Snowy Silhouettes

Fourth grade is making these snowy nighttime scenes using value and blending with paint. Before we started in on the real deal, we practiced first with color pencils then with paint. Sharing our steps here!

I’ll share the students’ work when we are finished!

Here’s some of the student work. They were still so creative with the limited use of only silhouettes.

Ancient Egyptian Dioramas

Ancient Egyptian Dioramas

Fourth grade finished their Egyptian king and queen portraits and then we moved on to the pyramids. We used Google Trek to explore the pyramids before we settled into our groups to make a plan for our diorama. They’ve been working so hard on these! Check out our progress:

“I am…” Poems

“I am…” Poems

My fourth graders have started on some metaphorical self-portraits and they are looking so great! We expanded our vocabularies by looking up adjectives about ourselves on thesaurus.com and using those to write an “I am…” poem. We drew it all out in pencil, traced in Sharpie, and painted each line with tempera paint. They are really looking fabulous.

PS – little known fact about Mrs. Osborne: I am an amazing opera singer. 😜

I’ll post pics of the kids’ artwork when complete! 

Never Eat Soggy Waffles

Never Eat Soggy Waffles

Never Eat Soggy Waffles!

Great advice, right?! This was the wisdom one of my 4th graders shared with her class when they were trying to remember the order of the cardinal directions as we were drawing our compass roses.

The kids have done a great job designing and creating these with a compass and ruler. We have started painting them and will finish by mounting them to cut up road maps. 

I found this awesome lesson at Artisan des Arts! 🙂 


Happy New Year!


Wow, it’s been a long time and I feel terrible about that.  I’ve gotten quite a few new followers since my last post and y’all are probably wondering why in the world you bothered.  Well, the holidays were rather busy – busier than normal – and I got a new phone and haven’t had access to my old photos that I took of my holiday art and boards.  I think I did share some on Instagram before I got my new phone so if you are an Insta-user, check out tinyartroom there.

So, right before our Winter break, I started all my classes on their Art to Remember projects.  A few grades finished and a few are finishing this week.  All of the projects are turning out great and I have two new Art to Remember projects that I’m trying out this year.

Kindergarten was one of the classes that finished before the break so I was looking around on Pinterest and my favorite art blogs (see the blogroll to the right) to see what I could find for them that would ease us back into the swing of things.  For some of these kids (and me) I feel like it’s a second First Day of school so we need to tiptoe back into it.

I found this awesome project over at this cute little French art blog called Le Petites Têtes de L’Art which Google translated to “Small Heads of Art” so… let’s just stick to stumbling over the French pronunciation.  Anyway – the kids loved making this so much.  At the end of class, I asked them what they liked so much about it.  They all said some version of  “I liked the scribbling” and “I like cutting the paper.” So, basically they liked being given a goal but allowed to go about achieving it how they wanted.  Ahhhh… choice based art.  I promised them we would do more of this.  ðŸ™‚

For now, check out the results of today’s work:


Elements of Art!

Elements of Art!

Third, Fourth, and Fifth graders are all diving right into the Elements of Art whether in review or in depth.

Fourth grade is reviewing with an all in one composition. We wrote ‘ART’ in block letters and then divided the page into seven sections. Each section will showcase an element. Check out what we have so far.


The kids are really doing a nice job and I’ll be sure to share when we’re finished!

Update: we’re finished!


Snowmen at Play

Snowmen at Play

This is a fun project I came across on Artsonia by Blue Mountain Elementary students. I love the different perspective and that each picture can still be individualized.
I’ve shared pictures of the step by step process so far. We will share more when they are complete!






North Carolina Landscapes

North Carolina Landscapes

These beautiful landscapes were inspired by the lesson over at Apex Elementary Art. We switched it up a little to incorporate all three regions of North Carolina – the mountains, Piedmont, and the coastal plains. NC history is the focal point in 4th grade social studies so this is one of those perfectly aligned cross-curricular projects.
We sketched everything out with pencil first and then traced with a black crayon. Next week we will start painting with those nice translucent tempera paints.
I can’t wait to see their final products. I’ll update again when we are finished!





Update! We started painting this week and they are looking fabulous! Man, where did those awesome painting skills come from. (They came from me 😉 ) can’t wait to see the finished products!






I want to share every single one of these! They all look great. I am so proud of how well they are painting and experimenting a little with color and design.



These gorgeous paintings are finished and hanging in the foyer of the school. They really pop against that brick wall!







Just Tri Me

Just Tri Me

Fourth graders are learning all about triangles so we are INTEGRATING and doing some awesome triangle art.  I found a triangle art lesson HERE and adapted it for use in a fourth grade classroom.  I also saw in the comments about the Vi Hart video and the kids La-HUUV (love) it.  Check out where we are so far…





This MIGHT be the coolest thing EVER.








Even more examples!
