Tag Archives: first grade

Astronaut Portraits


My first graders have been learning about outerspace so I thought I would jump in and have some fun with foreshortening with some astronaut portraits. I made a step by step for how to draw. I think we will use oil pastels or crayons along with paint (mostly for the background.)

I’ll add more photos once we finish! πŸš€πŸ‘¨πŸ½β€πŸš€πŸ›ΈπŸŒβ˜„οΈπŸŒŽ

Chinese New Year Collaborative Dragon


I came across this super cool project for Chinese New Year at arteascuola.com. Miriam shared some of the process and the end product was so cool! I wanted to share my step by step process here to use with my students as well as with you all! Once we get the final dragon complete, I will share more photos. Until then, please check out Miriam’s page here: Arteascuola

Im going to be honest, I’m doing this with first grade so I’m anxious to see the results of this color wheel. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈLet’s do this!!

It went so well!!! They were excited and everybody’s turned out great. Next, we will add the petals, symbols for scholarship, friendship, and sportsmanship (my school’s motto). We will then put them all together to create the dragon!

I tried to photograph the steps of making the head but I’m not sure how clear this is. I had to pretty much figure it out on my own just looking at the finished example on Arteascuola.

Andy Warhol Hand”Prints”

Andy Warhol Hand”Prints”

I first came across these brightly colored handprints on Instagram. @summitartists posted her results and they were just so eye-catching, I had to try them!

My first graders loved the little video I found on YouTube about Andy Warhol and Pop Art. Click here to see!

We also used the neon tempera paints and I turned on our black lights while they painted the back ground. They were completely amazed.

The day we added the black handprints, I had a hand painting and printing table set up for four people. They took turns at that table and when they finished, they had some Lego centers, plus plus blocks centers, and a pop art color sheet option. Everyone remained engaged and worked cooperatively. I was super impressed to say the least.

Caught Up in Color!


Pretty excited about this project even though it’s been around for awhile. I’ve never attempted it with any grade and I’m not sure why. Probably just not enough hours in the day or classes in the week. But this year I’m giving it a shot with first grade. It’s a fun take on what can be a Halloween project (or not) and uses lines, color, and some 3D effects with the spider. 

I’m posting my step by step pics to use when I’m going through it with my students. I’ll add more with the spider later. We used black crayons to draw the webs and tempera cakes to paint. 

Here are a few finished webs with spiders! I love how colorful they are. The kids did a great job taking their time painting. 

Happy New Year!


Wow, it’s been a long time and I feel terrible about that.  I’ve gotten quite a few new followers since my last post and y’all are probably wondering why in the world you bothered.  Well, the holidays were rather busy – busier than normal – and I got a new phone and haven’t had access to my old photos that I took of my holiday art and boards.  I think I did share some on Instagram before I got my new phone so if you are an Insta-user, check out tinyartroom there.

So, right before our Winter break, I started all my classes on their Art to Remember projects.  A few grades finished and a few are finishing this week.  All of the projects are turning out great and I have two new Art to Remember projects that I’m trying out this year.

Kindergarten was one of the classes that finished before the break so I was looking around on Pinterest and my favorite art blogs (see the blogroll to the right) to see what I could find for them that would ease us back into the swing of things.  For some of these kids (and me) I feel like it’s a second First Day of school so we need to tiptoe back into it.

I found this awesome project over at this cute little French art blog called Le Petites TΓͺtes de L’Art which Google translated to “Small Heads of Art” so… let’s just stick to stumbling over the French pronunciation.  Anyway – the kids loved making this so much.  At the end of class, I asked them what they liked so much about it.  They all said some version of  “I liked the scribbling” and “I like cutting the paper.” So, basically they liked being given a goal but allowed to go about achieving it how they wanted.  Ahhhh… choice based art.  I promised them we would do more of this.  πŸ™‚

For now, check out the results of today’s work:


Winter Cardinals


First graders have been working on a painting of our state bird, the cardinal. We discussed how all the states in America have different objects and symbols that represent them. Then we talked about the cardinal and we also talked about how male birds look different from females.
We started our paintings by sketching in pencil, talking about each part of our bird. Then we traced in sharpie. The next class we painted everything but the snow. We will do that last and I’m going to try to make some sparkly white paint so it looks like fresh sparkly snow. I’ll post more pics when they are complete!







Monarchs for Los Muertos


First graders are getting in on the Dia de Los Muertos fun with their monarch paintings. We drew with sharpies, colored with crayon, and will be painting next week with watercolors!
Instead of a directed drawing, I decided to just show them quickly how I draw a butterfly and then let them go for it.





A couple of the classes have painted their flowers this week and they are so pretty.






First Grade Foxes


I’m getting an early start on my Art to Remember projects this year and first graders are going first. For the last several years they made owls but I decided to switch it up this year with a different woodland creature. The foxes, just like the owls, are turning out precious and with such personality. Check them out so far…








