Tag Archives: art room

A Change is Gonna Come…


Summer break is drawing to a close and there are big changes on the horizon for my family. I’ll get back to that. 

I have had such a fantastic summer that’s also been a bit of a roller coaster. This year, I decided not to return to my summer job that I’ve had for 7 years. I loved the job and it provided me with extra “summer fun” money but it also required a lot of time away from my family and a lot of time spent with kids, some of who were also my students at school. After 12 years of teaching and 7 years of this summer job, I decided I wanted (needed) a break from everything and took the summer to spend how I wanted. My daughter and I went on several trips, we did a big family vacay, and I got lots accomplished around the house that I had been avoiding. 

We went to Beaufort, NC for a long weekend to explore the sights and the food of the coast. It was beautiful and I can’t wait to go back! 

Then we spent a week driving to art camp and exploring a cool city! Art camp at the Greenhill Center was great and she enjoyed her time there – I enjoyed a new coffee shop each day! 

Our family vacation was so much fun and I loved spending time with my sister and her babies and my mom and dad all under one roof. 

We also went to see The Little Mermaid live and it was awesome! I would have stayed for another showing right then. 

For the first time, I feel like we were able to really make the most of every day of summer break!

Now, getting back to that whole, a change is gonna come thing…

My husband has been working for a company an hour and a half away from home for a year and a half. He loves his job so much and it really shines through in the other parts of his life. We had discussed moving closer but it was not in the immediate plans. But we all know how the best laid plans go. An opportunity was placed in my lap that I could not pass up. An art teaching job at one of the best schools in the state! And it just happens to be in the city he works. It was still a difficult decision and one not made lightly. I have chosen to leave my current school system and my family and I are moving and embarking on this new adventure together. We are excited but also very sad to leave such a great life of having amazing friends and family so close by. Luckily it’s still only an hour away so we will get to visit and hopefully we will get to share our new city with them. 

I think about my students I’m leaving behind and I get so anxious about their future. I hope my quiet, shy students who tear up at a strong “teacher look” continue to gain confidence in themselves with the help of compassionate teaching. I think about the babies who I snuck pencils and crayons and markers and paper to and pray they will continue to get supplies that help them create outside the classroom. I think about the kids that search me out in a crowd for a hug or a high five and they will think I left them without a backwards glance. But then I remember that I work(ed) at the best school ever with the most caring teachers ever and they will get the hugs they want and the supplies they need and the gentle looks and the guiding hand. It’s so hard to say goodbye when you’re leaving something you loved. 

In the words of Sam Cooke:

“There have been times that I thought I couldn’t last for long

But now I think I’m able to carry on

It’s been a long, a long time coming

But I know a change is gonna come, oh yes it will…”

Cheers to a new year, new students, new adventures, and an old love for all things ART. 

Written Self Assessment


This post will probably be as boring as it sounds but it’s about something that I am required to do now and I would love some feedback.
My fifth graders were working on their daydreaming self portraits and in the middle of the project, I had them stop and reflect on how it was going so far. I think this really helped some of them. The questions I asked were:
1. Are you following the objectives for this project: using real and imaginary sources for inspiration?
2. What is your opinion of your project so far? Are you happy with it? Not liking it?
3. What will you do differently to fix anything you are not happy with?

These are a few of the results that I thought gave good answers and were able to complete their projects and meet all of the objectives.











I would love to hear feedback and what you do in your classroom on all grade levels.

Slowly But Surely…


Four more days… And don’t call me Shirley! 🙂

Pictures from around the classroom:

Rules of play!

Art. Music. Physical Education. Board! We have lots of fun!

Two down… Two more to go!!!

Booooring! Let’s see what we can do with this!

First project of the year: “I like art because…” mini self portraits and easels. Thank you pinterest goddesses!

Table labels with the colors in different languages and a 4S line sign! Thanks, Adventures of an Art Teacher!





Will be this, after the first week of school. For fourth grade, each table will get a letter of ARTIST and will fill each letter with a collage of colors from magazines. Thanks, Mrs. Recker!

Teacher Work Day (Seven of them!)


After I put my ugly cry face away, I got on with my day and completed the first two work days of the year. Most of that time was spent in meetings of course, but I did get to work in my room for a bit on Friday. I hung my new name sign on the door and had to put my rules and expectations in a new location because of my newly installed projector! I’ll be sharing more photos as I get everything together again!

I did come across this very cool lesson plan today: http://www.thesmartteacher.com/exchange/resource/328/Didier-Triglia-Head-Cans

Recycling, painting, mixed media… I love it and can’t wait to raid the recycling bin at work! : )Image

This is my example in progress:



Added some bling (aka, glitter glue) and painted my background. The last thing I’ll do is experiment with how to attach the can to the background. I’m hoping a little hot glue will do the trick, but, we’ll see!



Hot glue seems to have worked! Final product is done! Makes me laugh!
